The competition to grow your civilization, discover new technologies and protect your interests is at the heart of a good 4x game, and now The history of Ara cannot be describedit could all peak with a nationally destructive push of a big red button. As already good strategy games continue to improve, and become bigger and better, its new 1.3 update brings many new gameplay options, including the ability to launch nuclear missiles in rival civilizations.
Free for all players, ARA History Untold 1.3 – ironically, given the addition of nuclear weapons, ironically titled it, adding some new features and ways to advance the empire. Tensions over nuclear weapons have been prominent over the last 80 years of real-world history, but thankfully, they have not been wiped out by uranium-fueled apocalypse. Touchwood, that streak continues… But Ara is rewriting history and building her own path. This allows you to use the threat of nuclear annihilation and actual nuclear annihilation to your advantage in 4X games.
Once related resources are collected and technology is unlocked, new ICBM special projects can now be built. This is an intercontinental ballistic missile in case you don’t know. Once constructed, sit in your global inventory, waiting to be fired by enemy civilizations. Press the red button and you’ll see a giant cloud of mushrooms where the rival faction was just a moment ago.
“The nuclear strike eliminates all units and improvements in the target area and is unable to live for a few turns, but we expect severe diplomatic consequences,” said developer Oxide Games. You can also build anti-missile defenses in case your game has another nuclear power.
For those who want to avoid Armageddon, diplomatic renewal includes some non-destructive options. Two new actions can utilize your power and resources against other countries – requesting bribery and demands. The first sees you will give resources to another civilization in exchange for them who will be doing war with a shared enemy, while the second threatens the rival nation and forces them to hand over what you want.
The new military aid capabilities also allow you to send troops and resources to allies fighting the enemy.

Elsewhere, the new diplomatic history tracks and displays how its relationship with other civilizations has changed following important events in the game. There is also a long list of balance changes, optimizations and bug fixes, and you can read everything here with the complete patch notes.
The ARA History Untold diplomatic update is currently live and free for all players. For equally challenging titles, head towards our best strategy games and the best RTS game guide.
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